Welcome back to the Scale Your Small Business Podcast with your host, Jillian Flodstrom! From a challenging upbringing to a teenage published author, broadcast journalist, and college instructor, “The Excitable Introvert” Jacqueline Shaulis leveraged her successes, failures, quirks, and proficiencies to become an international speaker, global bestselling author, and advisor to hundreds.
Jacqueline knew from age 5 that she wanted to be a best-selling author and speaker. She also knew that to be the person she envisioned herself being, she had to step outside of her comfort zone. For people she works with, it’s about getting clear on who you want to be, where you want to be, and what would you do to get it? It’s about testing the waters and finding that sweet spot.
When someone hears the word introvert, typically they’re talking about someone who’s shy, who is quiet, who’s bashful, who’s anti-social, and often none of those things have anything to do with being introverted. You can be anti-social and extroverted. You can be an extrovert who has social anxiety. An introvert is just the term for someone who processes stimulation internally. That’s it. That’s there’s not all of this other nonsense. We’re told that to be successful you have to be extroverted–this isn’t the case. If we are denying our introversion or we’re trying to diminish it, then we can’t bring our gifts to the world, the world needs someone who has insight
Getting seen as an introvert is all about the process. First, acknowledge that your introversion is a benefit, not a detriment, to your work. Secondly, leverage your insights into income. How do you take that nuanced approach that you are naturally inclined toward that introspection and weave it through what you’re offering? Finally, examine why you’re saying yes and who you’re trying to be.
A great technique to getting seen and testing the waters is to create an empowered alter ego through the assign and delegate technique. This is something you can tap into when you want to embody a persona and tap into it when you want to present yourself a certain way.
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