Welcome back to the Scale Your Small Business Podcast with your host, Jillian Flodstrom. Many small business owners mention how overwhelmed they are and the majority are simply just stressed out. Today, we’re breaking down how you can calm some of that chaos.
The inclination is to continue to work when you get home. That isn’t always the best option! If you’re constantly working and not giving yourself enough time to unwind, it can keep you in a stress loop. Importantly, it’s going to stress your family out as well, which is going to layer just another layer of stress on top of you. Give yourself a mental break. You’ll be in better mindset and better prepared for your day tomorrow.
If you’ve got too much on your plate, you’ve got to say no and you’ve got to delegate. It’s easy as a small business owner to want to take everything on—but that is only going to burn you out. There are people that have a skill set that you could delegate things to, and you could absolutely trust them to do even better than you.
A very simple step you can do to help relieve your stress is to manage your notifications. We walk around with our cell phones attached to us and are in a constant bombardment by buzzes, dings, and other pings. If you’re checking those, it’ll snowball until all your time is eaten away. Don’t be afraid to turn them off! Those items won’t disappear.
Get those big tasks out of the way early to avoid procrastination creating more stress for you as things pile up. By checking things off your list, you’ll feel so much better.
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