Welcome back to the Scale Your Small Business Podcast with your host, Jillian Flodstrom! Our guest today is a digital marketer that helps businesses scale by teaching them strategies to create online marketing solutions that supplement and grow their businesses. Krista Greener is going to dive in with us on making that lifestyle change.
The first big step you can take to get your affiliate marketing to the next level is to be consistent with your posts. Either do it yourself, hire someone, batch it, whatever you need to do to make sure you’re posting consistently. Do your research to hire someone who has extensive experience in that space.
If you think you don’t have what it takes to start a blog, think again. It’s 2022, anybody can do anything! You CAN create your own career online blogging AND make good money doing it. Don’t get it twisted: blog writing definitely takes a lot of hard work and figuring out kind of the direction you want to take, but everyone is different. Don’t be afraid to hire someone to put your ideas into writing!
Getting started isn’t expensive. For a few dollars a month you can house your writing online and get right to work. Pick a niche area of expertise you have and share your knowledge. It’s that easy.
Staying organized when it comes to blog writing and content creation is very important. Hiring a virtual assistant can help you ensure all your work is kept sorted. When you’re hiring, consider that they’re not always going to do things the same way as you. They bring a whole new perspective to your business.
Success leaves clues. That means when you’re trying to look for topics to write about, just type in your topic to Google and gather inspiration from those top posts!
Monetize your blog! Especially in times like these, it’s important to have multiple streams of income. Find an affiliate product or brand to work with, and all you have to do is slide it into your blog posts!
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