Welcome back to the Scale Your Small Business Podcast with your host, Jillian Flodstrom! This week, we’re with Mia LaMotte, Brand Strategist and Transformation Coach. She helps woman entrepreneurs and disruptive corporations find their brand voice with the help of her unique background in image consulting, leadership development, and transformation coaching.
We are walking, talking billboards for our businesses. Especially when we’re running a small business, we’re the face of the brand. Because of that, it’s really important for us to come from our values because it’s represented in everything you put out there. How you look, how you communicate, and your digital presence is all mirrored by your brand.
Mindset is essential when it comes to your brand. Your mindset has to be that you can be whatever you want to be and have what you want to have. Staying in the throes of positivity and possibility will help you grow.
You’ve got to surround yourself with people who believe in you and want you to succeed. Even the slightest doubt can plant a seed that grows into a difficult challenge internally. Having a team to triage and diagnose allows you to identify and work through problems. Everybody needs cheerleaders! Remember, you can’t compare somebody’s 10 years to your first year. Coaches help get there with practice and personal development.
Be in a constant state of growing and evolving. Rebrand when you need to! Get new photos done. When branding yourself and your business website, think about what you look good in. Those are the colors that represent you and therefore represent your business.
Finally, work on your mindset daily. Business growth comes from personal growth.
Show Notes