Welcome back to the Scale Your Small Business Podcast with your host, Jillian Flodstrom! Today, we’re talking with Josie May, Business Coach and Strategist. Josie is cohost of the popular podcast The Money Mavens and has worked with over 200 international business owners supporting many to make 6 figures and multi 6 figures each year.
Josie primarily works with women, and she finds the biggest challenge her clients face is in their mindset. Many women underestimate themselves, Josie says, and at the end of the day, to be successful in business, you’ve got to take action, you’ve got to be brave, and you’ve got to put yourself out there.
This challenge can stem all the way back to developmental stages, growing up facing an emphasis on being the quiet “good girl” who did what she was told. Whereas boys are often praised for being confident, girls experience the opposite. So, when it comes to putting ourselves out there and saying, “Look what I’ve got to offer and it is brilliant.” it goes against what we’re used to. But when it comes to business, you have to blow the trumpet.
Being brave is a muscle you can build. You have to continue to be brave and take these steps. You’ll notice that as you’re in business a bit longer, you get a bit better at it, you’re a bit more of a risk-taker, you’re a bit braver, and you put yourself out there more.
There are things you can do to get braver. First, make the commitment to confront what’s scary. Secondly, be accountable. Tell someone that you’re going to do it and ask them to keep you accountable. If you can try and do something brave every day, you really get into the notion of being brave.
Josie recommends looking at your goals a year ahead. What do they look like? Imagine yourself on that day in a year’s time having achieved it.
Looking to build confidence while talking about what you have to offer? Josie suggests writing down 20 reasons why your offer is incredible. What’s it going to solve? How’s it going to change things? Why is it amazing? Josie talks about building your network through being authentic and vulnerable.
Show Notes