Welcome back to the Scale Your Small Business Podcast with your host, Jillian Flodstrom. This week, we’re sitting down with Stephen Scoggins. He’s helped Fortune 500 leaders, professional athletes, entertainers, hardworking individuals, and everyone in between exceed their wildest expectations in their life, business, and career. He spent three decades of setbacks, failures, breakdowns, losses, successes, and comebacks. Uses that knowledge to guide others toward lasting breakthroughs in any area of their life.
Stephen has faced an incredible amount of seemingly insurmountable challenges and overcome even more incredible odds, including homelessness, to get to the place of success he has achieved today. He says it comes down to understanding that your level of expectation becomes your level of excellence. The expectations you set for yourself become reality. If you expect your lights, your water, your everything to get shut off–they will. Often, we get indoctrinated in the wrong direction. Unless we shake out of that, we ultimately lose sight of who we really could become if we really tried. If you’re so focused on the problem, you’re never ever going to be able to build momentum towards the solution. Part of breaking that cycle is finding a mentor who can raise that energy level, not one who is going to detract from yours. Isolating is a dangerous thing to do as an entrepreneur! It’s never been easier to find a coach like that. Find someone you can learn from and emulate to find your own processes. From there, master them. If you can’t get a mentor in person, there are plenty of virtual and online coaches, but in addition, there are thousands of helpful books and digital assets you can discuss. Be mindful, though. If you’re spending all your time absorbing you’re not doing and DOING. If you become a personal development junkie, you won’t actually get anything moving forward.
Stephen has an event coming up with 13 amazing thought leaders coming in. Tom Bilyeu, Lisa Bilyeu, Anthony Trucks, Evan Carmichael, Amberley Lago, Ray Higdon, Ira Davis, Mark Drager, Mel Abraham. This event is designed to meet you where you are and physically grab your hand and take you where you need to go. Over the course of three virtual days, you’ll learn how to take action and make moves so you can level up to the capacity you want. If you keep hitting around the nail practicing your swing, you’ll never actually hit the nail–this event helps you drive it into the board.
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