There are plenty of ways to keep your day on track. Planning takes effort and can end up being a big part of your week. Making sure everything is laid out is the first step in having a productive day. Today, we’re going to talk about a few different strategies you can use to point yourself in a direction, hit your goals, and calm the chaos.
First, let’s talk about using paper planning systems. Spiral-bound, ring-bound, and O-ring wiring are all great options for a planner, the point is that you use the one that works best for your needs. Regardless of what type of paper planner or schedulers you use, the point is that you have a place to write down everything that comes up the moment it arises. Like so many people, it’s easy to lose thoughts or miss appointments because you noted it down on a piece of scrap paper that’s blowing somewhere in the wind. Having a place where your brain “lives” prevents things from slipping through the cracks.
On the flip side, there are some seriously useful digital planning tools that can help you organize your day. Lots of folks know and are familiar with Google Calendar, but using the program to it’s highest potential takes some intentional work. For example, Google Calendar is great because you can link any of your other digital calendars to it, block out chunks of your day to accomplish big projects without being interrupted, and coordinate with clients and teammates on availability. Jill and her team use an app called Calendly to schedule, reschedule, or cancel appointments or meetings at their own convenience. That way, you can avoid those annoying 3-4 threads of emails trying to find a time that works for both of you. Additionally, with Google Calendar, you can set aside time to finish those short tasks that can get lost while you’re focusing on a bigger project. It can be personal appointments, professional housekeeping, or even paying bills. Either way, you’ll get a notification that will remind you to get it done. Plus, it’s color-coordinated!
Finally, and in many ways, most importantly, use these tools and check-in with your partner or spouse. Right now, things are crazy with COVID-19 still part of our everyday lives. In many homes, there are multiple people working in a small, sometimes cramped space. Communicating who is going to be where, doing what, and when, helps ease everyone’s mind. Even when it’s personal tasks, having it on a calendar where you can see, plan, and remember what’s on your plate in the coming months can be a massive boost to your life.
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