Welcome to the Scale Your Small Business Podcast with your host, Jillian Flodstrom. Today, we’re diving into your feedback from our last pillar of growth, time management. No matter if it’s you, an employee, or someone else in your life that’s letting time slip away–you’re not alone.
A good place to start when you think about time-wasting is understanding when you’re most productive. Not everyone is a 9-5 morning person. Many folks do their best work at night. While working a traditional job may not allow for that flexibility, times are changing and it’s worth the conversation if you can demonstrate when you’re most productive.
Planning out your day seems simple on the surface, but it can be tough to get started. Start with a perfect scenario where everything fits within your schedule without a hitch. Fill in the essential things first and build a schedule around that.
If you find your time is being wasted by an employee or coworker, consider having a library of content that your employees can reference instead of coming to you with questions. If it’s absolutely necessary to meet, simply ask for them to schedule a time.
Track your time so you can really see what time is being wasted and where. you probably have 15 minutes here, 15 minutes there to fill with small tasks. Find little pockets of time and they add up.
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