Trying to get work done through constant distractions and interruptions can be frustrating. Putting out fires left and right, answering the same question multiple times, losing your train of thought, and bouncing between mental spaces is exhausting and inefficient. Today, I’m going to share some times on how you can effectively manage these interruptions to make sure you have the capacity to check things off your to-do list without sacrifice.
1. Schedule focused work hours. That means putting it in your calendar, sharing it with your team, silencing notifications on your computer, and yes, turning your phone onto airplane mode. Remember to turn off your smartwatch, too. This may even help you realize you had distractions that you weren’t even aware were pulling you from your work.
2. Dedicate time in your day as an “open door” period. This is where your team knows you’re ready and fully available for any questions they may have. With many people working from home, this may look like a slack message or a quick Zoom call. This period of time is for them to have full access to you and your brain.
3. Write a quick note to yourself to get back on track. It can take 10, 20, or 30 minutes to get back on track and regain your momentum. I great way to combat this is with brief voice memos. Use your phone or a program that sends your memo directly to your email so you can jump right back in.
4. Train your staff to be efficient. Training your staff to effectively get the answers they need is key. That means getting right to the core problem they are having, setting up pre-built videos with answers to common questions, and allowing them to collaborate and regain lost time.
5. Be respectful. It’s absolutely important to remember that when someone comes to you with questions, it’s more than likely they don’t want to be interrupting you either. They know you’re busy and are busy themselves, so keep that in mind when the moment comes. It’s all about a mutual respect.
Let me know what practices you use to keep the machine operating smoothly–I’m excited to hear your thoughts!
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