Today’s question is a big one: where do I start when it comes to social media? This is a major player in today’s game, especially as a small business owner. If you’re looking to get more visible, attract clients, and build a community around your brand, social platforms are the place to be. But, how can we overcome the pitfalls that come with it? In what ways can we maximize our impact and outreach with this incredible tool? Jill’s breaking that down and more in this week’s episode.
Social media is everywhere and factors into almost every aspect of our lives if we let it. It’s a powerful tool that we can utilize to scale and build a community around our brands. With that being said, it can be absolutely overwhelming. In some cases, you can be active on as many as 8 different platforms. That’s a lot to manage, and even more content to worry about.
Here’s Jill’s first tip: don’t “create” content as much as you document. Now, this doesn’t mean record the PB & J you just made and put it on your Instagram story, but it does mean you can point out highlights throughout your day that would be a nice peek into your life. What made today different than yesterday? Share with people value and share it unique to you. Often, we can fall into the worry of “why would anyone watch this?” The truth is, if there is someone else out there doing what you’re doing, they still aren’t living your life. The value you bring is unique to you–don’t forget that.
Don’t get Jill wrong–there is a time and place for planned, curated content. These are where you invest effort into lighting, videography, editing, makeup, you name it. Those areas are important to, but don’t fall into the trap of comparing yourself to others. Here’s the thing–everyone evolves. Their content evolves, their tactics evolve, and technology evolves, too. We are always, constantly changing. You are not going to be in the same place Gary Vee is in your first week of producing social media content–and you shouldn’t be! Everyone starts somewhere–be gnarly and just do it.
Once you’ve created a system of content generation and documentation that you’re comfortable with, you’re going to want to make a plan. You may not have the best equipment yet, but what you do have is value and consistency on your side. Just like the news, people want to be able to expect when they can hear from you and take in what you have to say. Over time, this can build your audience and you start to build a robust posting schedule.
A few things about your posting plan. First, remember that you don’t have to take on every social media channel at once. Start small! You can bring just as much value with a focused lens and with a broader one. Secondly, expect to make tweaks as you go along. Almost nothing ever works out the exact way we lay it out, and we learn things as we go. You’ll get feedback from your audience in regards to what they find especially helpful, what they engage with the most, and what doesn’t land the way you thought it might. Of course, there will be trolls, but they can be tuned out. Finally, be flexible and plan ahead. Know that your team is working with you and it’s worth the effort to make sure you can help them as well.
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