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We’re all about saving time, being efficient, and being productive. When you’re in the business of producing content, there’s a practice many utilize to get material ready ahead of time: batch filming. You’d be surprised at how much content you can pump out in a short period of time when you allow yourself to sit down and get to work. 

Certain periods of the year are going to be busier than others for your business, that’s just how it works. And in times where there is a holiday or another engagement, you want to be prepared for that break where you won’t be able to produce content every single day. You need something in the hopper!

Consistency is key when it comes to content, so making sure you’re producing on a committed schedule. 

When you’re sitting down to batch film your videos, the first step is to map out how much time you’ll need to get it done. Include any periods of time you’ll need to pause, take a break, download videos, upload videos, eat, do laundry, you name it. You’ll thank yourself later by setting expectations early on. 

If you’re a beginner, don’t overwhelm yourself with a crazy amount of filming off the bat. But once you’re ready to film, there are a few things you can have ready to go:

First, have your outfits planned, ironed, and laid out for you to swap your look between videos. This way, as soon as you finish filming an episode, you can start your upload and change your shirt between filming sessions. When you change, don’t get lazy–hang up your outfits so when you’re done filming, you don’t have to worry about the aftermath. 

Additionally, consider how much time it’ll take for you to do your hair, makeup, and anything else you need to do to get ready to get in front of the camera. Remember, the camera will make you appear more pale than usual, so consider darkening your normal makeup!

Make sure you stretch! Sitting in a chair for hours is no different than riding in a plane. It’s important that you reset, give your muscles a break, and come back fresh so you don’t appear tight or tired in your next video. 

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